This is the first course in a Chicago Booth sequence with one or more IO topics courses in the Department of Economics. The class is for PhD students. The sequence covers recent theoretical and empirical approaches in several topics. This course focuses on productivity and industry evolution, advertising and search, product differentiation, vertical relationships, and strategic behavior.
Solid background in microeconomics (e.g., Business 33001, 33002, 33101, or Economics 30000, 30100, or 30200) and preferably econometrics at the PhD level. PhD students only. BUSN 33921=ECON 40101
Carlton and Perloff, Modern Industrial Organization; Tirole, The Theory of Industrial Organization; reading list to be distributed in class.
Students should plan to take all three quarters of this course and hopefully any additional IO topics offered. No provisional grades.
Description and/or course criteria last updated: June 05 2024