Course Detail (Course Description By Faculty)

Leadership Studio (31403)

The Leadership Studio is designed around four guiding principles that we ask those who enroll to embrace and make them their own. Simply stated:

  1. I am agile. My current leadership abilities do not define or limit me. I can play very different roles as needed and display different leadership qualities at the right time with the right audience.

  2. I am my best when I play my roles as my authentic-self. I can experiment and adopt new leadership qualities that are rooted in my personal values.

  3. I am self-driven. I take personal responsibility for doing the work and expanding my leadership qualities.

  4. I will continue work on my leadership behaviors into the future. I put in place good habits for ongoing development/learning following the work started in The Leadership Studio.

During the Studio, each student builds upon their current leadership strengths and learns how to harness many more of their leadership qualities and abilities. They gain greater confidence in their ability to have the impact they desire and to continue growing and evolving as they face new demands as leaders. To this end, the Leadership Studio explores leadership from nine perspectives. These provide valuable inputs for a leadership journey that is truly actionable and lasting.

This work is accomplished through a learning environment built upon three interwoven tracks:

  • Exposure to research and new knowledge in a Classroom track
  • Applying knowledge and leadership goals in a Rehearsal Hall track
  • Experiments with enhancing leadership skills in a Fieldwork track.

The class is not recorded to keep it as a safe place for experimenting and sharing. Students must attend in person: there is no Zoom participation allowance.  Because of the high participation requirement of the class, students are required to put away laptops, tablets, and smart phones for all Rehearsal Hall sessions. 

We have assembled a teaching ensemble drawn from different areas of expertise that will remain involved in supporting students throughout the quarter. This team consists of academics, practitioners from the worlds of business, music, theater and improv, as well as coaches who bring a disciplined, scientific methodology to ongoing practice.

Attention! This is not a class in which faculty and students play traditional, well-defined roles. They will instead be co-creating the experience. Students should sign up for the Studio if they are committed to their own personal development with learning tailored to each person.

Four comments from students who have completed the course may be instructive:

“The Studio will teach you two things, which can have a lasting impact in your life: a) A framework for self improvement based on trying new things, collecting data and reflecting; and b) The notion that you can be flexible on the personal qualities you will draw on for each situation.”

“This is a class that goes beyond business. It impacts every aspect of life. It is an essential course to take to be an effective leader and learn how to become one.”

“It is what you put into it. This can be a profound experience for some, and useless for others who do not take it seriously.”

“Unlike any Booth class I’ve taken, you must be ready to be fully present and ready to make a real change in your behavior.”

LEAD (31001)
  • No non-Booth Students
Assigned articles, book chapters, and online tutorial, from diverse disciplines including Business, Government, Theater/Improv, Psychology, Leadership, and Science.
Note: Class attendance is very important given the design of this learning experience. Attendance at the first class is mandatory. The Studio focuses on a student’s behavior in translating conceptual knowledge into action. Given the experiential nature of the Studio, considerable weight will be placed on work in the rehearsal hall and in their personal field work. There are no exams. Students will prepare several written reflection papers based on their experiences in the Rehearsal Hall and in the field.

- Overall Class & Rehearsal Hall Engagement: 16%
- Fieldwork: 36%
- Written Assignments: 38%
- Final Performance: 10%

  • Mandatory attendance week 1
  • Allow Provisional Grades (For joint degree and non-Booth students only)
  • No pass/fail grades
  • No auditors
Description and/or course criteria last updated: August 08 2024
  • Autumn 2024
    Section: 31403-85
    S 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
    Booth 455
    In-Person Only
  • Winter 2025
    Section: 31403-01
    TH 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
    Harper Center
    219 - Meeting Room
    In-Person Only
  • Spring 2025
    Section: 31403-01
    W 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
    Harper Center
    In-Person Only
  • Spring 2025
    Section: 31403-81
    T 6:00 PM-9:00 PM
    Booth 455
    In-Person Only

Leadership Studio (31403) - Davis, Harry>> ; Tennant, Nancy>>

The Leadership Studio is designed around four guiding principles that we ask those who enroll to embrace and make them their own. Simply stated:

  1. I am agile. My current leadership abilities do not define or limit me. I can play very different roles as needed and display different leadership qualities at the right time with the right audience.

  2. I am my best when I play my roles as my authentic-self. I can experiment and adopt new leadership qualities that are rooted in my personal values.

  3. I am self-driven. I take personal responsibility for doing the work and expanding my leadership qualities.

  4. I will continue work on my leadership behaviors into the future. I put in place good habits for ongoing development/learning following the work started in The Leadership Studio.

During the Studio, each student builds upon their current leadership strengths and learns how to harness many more of their leadership qualities and abilities. They gain greater confidence in their ability to have the impact they desire and to continue growing and evolving as they face new demands as leaders. To this end, the Leadership Studio explores leadership from nine perspectives. These provide valuable inputs for a leadership journey that is truly actionable and lasting.

This work is accomplished through a learning environment built upon three interwoven tracks:

  • Exposure to research and new knowledge in a Classroom track
  • Applying knowledge and leadership goals in a Rehearsal Hall track
  • Experiments with enhancing leadership skills in a Fieldwork track.

The class is not recorded to keep it as a safe place for experimenting and sharing. Students must attend in person: there is no Zoom participation allowance.  Because of the high participation requirement of the class, students are required to put away laptops, tablets, and smart phones for all Rehearsal Hall sessions. 

We have assembled a teaching ensemble drawn from different areas of expertise that will remain involved in supporting students throughout the quarter. This team consists of academics, practitioners from the worlds of business, music, theater and improv, as well as coaches who bring a disciplined, scientific methodology to ongoing practice.

Attention! This is not a class in which faculty and students play traditional, well-defined roles. They will instead be co-creating the experience. Students should sign up for the Studio if they are committed to their own personal development with learning tailored to each person.

Four comments from students who have completed the course may be instructive:

“The Studio will teach you two things, which can have a lasting impact in your life: a) A framework for self improvement based on trying new things, collecting data and reflecting; and b) The notion that you can be flexible on the personal qualities you will draw on for each situation.”

“This is a class that goes beyond business. It impacts every aspect of life. It is an essential course to take to be an effective leader and learn how to become one.”

“It is what you put into it. This can be a profound experience for some, and useless for others who do not take it seriously.”

“Unlike any Booth class I’ve taken, you must be ready to be fully present and ready to make a real change in your behavior.”

LEAD (31001)
  • No non-Booth Students
Assigned articles, book chapters, and online tutorial, from diverse disciplines including Business, Government, Theater/Improv, Psychology, Leadership, and Science.
Note: Class attendance is very important given the design of this learning experience. Attendance at the first class is mandatory. The Studio focuses on a student’s behavior in translating conceptual knowledge into action. Given the experiential nature of the Studio, considerable weight will be placed on work in the rehearsal hall and in their personal field work. There are no exams. Students will prepare several written reflection papers based on their experiences in the Rehearsal Hall and in the field.

- Overall Class & Rehearsal Hall Engagement: 16%
- Fieldwork: 36%
- Written Assignments: 38%
- Final Performance: 10%

  • Mandatory attendance week 1
  • Allow Provisional Grades (For joint degree and non-Booth students only)
  • No pass/fail grades
  • No auditors
Description and/or course criteria last updated: August 08 2024
  • Autumn 2024
    Section: 31403-85
    S 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
    Booth 455
    In-Person Only
  • Winter 2025
    Section: 31403-01
    TH 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
    Harper Center
    219 - Meeting Room
    In-Person Only
  • Spring 2025
    Section: 31403-01
    W 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
    Harper Center
    In-Person Only
  • Spring 2025
    Section: 31403-81
    T 6:00 PM-9:00 PM
    Booth 455
    In-Person Only