This course provides an overview of mergers and acquisitions with a focus on the role MA plays in the development and implementation of a firm’s strategy. Students will develop an analytical and theoretical framework to understand the MA process and will also use cases and real-world applications to develop skills necessary to prepare and evaluate the strategic rationale for a proposed transaction. This course uses a strategic corporate development perspective rather than an investment banking/transaction perspective. Topics include strategic rationale for MA transactions, value creation and destruction in MA, the MA process, interplay between strategy and valuation, and implementation/integration issues. The student will apply course learnings in a cumulative project typically by preparing a M&A Plan including the rationale for a proposed acquisition target.
Students should note that this is a strategy course, not a finance course.
None. Students would benefit from completing 42001 Competitive Strategy and 35201 Cases in Financial Management.
The course is taught using lectures, case analysis, readings and guest speakers. This course will have a Canvas site.
Student assessment based on class participation, case write-ups, a midterm case and a final group project preparing and presenting a business case for a proposed transaction.
Description and/or course criteria last updated: November 01 2023